An innovative and creative workshop aiming to cultivate the visual perception, awaken the personal expression within and develop the skills through the art experience. Our workshop facilities in Limassol Cyprus offer the possibility of using various media and experimenting with different materials and techniques, from painting, printing, ceramics, wood work etc.
Καινοτόμο εργαστήριο με στόχο την καλλιέργεια της οπτικής αντίληψης, την αφύπνιση της προσωπικής έκφρασης και την ανάπτυξη δεξιοτήτων μέσα από την εμπειρία της τέχνης. Οι εγκαταστάσεις μας παρέχουν την δυνατότητα πειραματισμού και χρήσης διαφόρων μέσων, υλικών και τεχνικών από ζωγραφική, γραφιστική, κεραμική, ξυλουργική κα.
weekly workshops
The workshop is designed by the artist, art teacher and art theorist Manolis Hadjimanolis (BA Fine Arts, MA Visual Culture) as a result of his 10 years of experience in teaching, education and art practice. It is aiming to cultivate the visual perception, encourage the personal expression and develop the skills through the art experience.
The workshop centres around diverse art practices such as drawing, painting, mosaic making, collage, ceramic making, woodworking and other, aiming to improve the motor skills, the visual language and self-confidence through the multiple possibilities of the artistic process, both 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional, with a variety of references from the history of art, modern art, folk and traditional art, architecture, graphic design, illustration, photography, film etc.
The workshop will develop within the following programme:
Unit 1: The visual elements (the point the line and shape)
Unit 2: Geometrical forms and patterns
Unit 3: From 2d to 3d
Unit 4: The tonal scale
Unit 5: The colour combinations
Unit 6: Shading and Volume
Unit 7: The face and the figure
The participation fee for the workshop is 15 euro per lesson.
The lessons take place one time in the week for one and a half hour at Diatehnon Arts & Culture in the center of Limassol.
exploring media, materials and techniques

sgraffito technique on red clay – 6 years

introduction into portraiture – 6 years

pinching technique / painting with colorful slips – 9 years

watercolor – 8 years

recycled materials mosaic – 6 years

ceramic house – 5 years

printing with lino – 4 years

preparation of tesserae for a mosaic with recycled materials – 5 years

between 2d & 3d clay project – 4 years

recycled materials mosaic – 11 years

watercolor painting – 6 & 8 years

instrument making with recycled materials – 9 years

from 2d to 3d – 11 years

clay house with 3d elements decorated with colorful slips – 11 years

clay house with 3d elements decorated with colorful slips – 11 years

working on the potter’s wheel – 6 years

egg shaped ceramic candle holder case – 9 years

working on the potter’s wheel – 6 years
creative events
A series of creative activities for children based on modern art and the artists who experimented with new ways, ideas, materials and colours, in an attempt to surpass the traditions of the past.
Μια σειρά απο δημιουργικές δραστηριότητες για παιδιά με θέμα την μοντέρνα τέχνη και τους καλλιτέχνες που πειραματίστηκαν με νέους τρόπους, ιδεές, χρώματα και υλικά, σε μια προσπάθεια να υπερβούν τις παραδόσεις του παρελθόντος.